
Emergency Service Animal Control Intervention and Intake Parameters
Is the animal sick or injured?
Did the animal bite or attack anyone breaking the skin?
Is the animal heavily pregnant, have babies or nursing?
Is the animal in danger or abandoned? Is cruelty or neglect suspected?
Is the animal acting aggressively to people or pets?
Intake Process
ALL intakes must go through animal control or get an intake appointment. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Intake will be triaged focusing on emergency: sick/injured, cruelty/neglect, and officer assistance or bite calls. Please note all bite cases MUST be reported to law enforcement or to medical personnel and must be initiated by a bite report thus dispatching animal control.
All owner surrenders must make an appointment. Please note that failure to keep your appointment will result in you being placed at the bottom of the list. Please note that every single intake case will be thoroughly reviewed so please bring all supportive information with you to your appointment.
Hospitalization/Medically documented: Please note that we will make every effort to locate a family member to take care of animals in the event someone is hospitalized. If animals need to be removed due to caregiver being hospitalized please notify law enforcement to initiate an animal control dispatch.

Important Intake Information
All dogs processed through the Animal Shelter of Sullivan County receive age appropriate vaccines including rabies, flea treatment, deworming, heartworm preventative and a microchip. They also receive a IDEXX 4DX heartworm test, fecal and Giardia test.
All cats processed through the Animal Shelter of Sullivan County receive age-appropriate vaccines, including rabies, flea treatment, fecal test, deworming and a microchip.
All animals are spayed or neutered before leaving the shelter with few exceptions that would be due to health or age.